When we go to a Chinese restaurant or any kind of Asian restaurant, this appetizer is mostly the best choice to get off the menu. But this time if you want to save money from going to a restaurant, this is the best recipe to use, but this time I used real crabmeat. You can use imitation krabmeat if you want too. The best way to keep your wontons put them in the freezer for 3 months.
Servings- 4 to 10
Prep & cook- 1 hour & 18 minutes

2 8oz packages cream cheese softened
1 cup crabmeat shredded (or Imitation Krab)
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp chopped green onions
1 tbsp chopped cilantro
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1 (14 oz) package small wonton wrappers
Mix cream cheeses, crabmeat or imitation crabmeat, sesame oil, both soy sauces, cilantro, green onions, & minced garlic together in a bowl. Cover it & put bowl in fridge for an hour.
Heat oil in a large heavy skillet or deep fryer to 360 degreesF (180 degrees C).
While the oil is heating, place 1/2 to 1 tsp cream cheese mixture into the center of a wonton wrapper. Moisten the wrapper edges & pull two corners together over the filling to make a triangle. Pull two remaining corners up to join them, then press firmly to seal.
Repeat the same process to each wonton wrapper. Place them on a plate gently. After your oil is hot, add about few wontons at a time in a fryer until golden brown & crispy, 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer the wontons on a plate with a paper towel to drain, serve hot.
If you have any extra uncooked crab wontons, transfer the wontons in a freezer bag & put them in a fridge up to 6 months.